Get People Talking
About You
Putting your brand in front of the
right audience and optimising for success
Content is fire. The media is rocket fuel. Harness the power of the media for business.
Target your customers, expand your audience and build an engaged following - simply by telling your story.
My Little Black Book Of Services
Leverage the power of the media for brand building and driving sales
Get Press Ready +
Media distribution & press releases
Media relationship building
Social, business & community networking
Scripts, speeches & presentation creation
Award entries & sponsorship nomination outlines
Feedback & crisis communication management
Print & digital media curation
Media & influencer famils
Event launches
Brand Refresh +
Go deep into your business DNA and take your logo to the next level with a comprehensive brand identity – colour, typography, archetype and imagery. Express your visual identity and narrate the purpose of your business to keep your team, customers and audience on the same page. Brand strategy development evolves into brand identity design with logo for beautifully branded collateral, from branding style guidelines to letterhead, business cards, business plans and pitch decks
The Full Package +
Need it all? Your new logo and website from start to finish, including copy and imagery with domain, hosting and professional email. Brand identity and strategy rolled out alongside a comprehensive SEO and content plan. Site designed with wireframes and built on Squarespace or WordPress using Divi for ultimate sales performance - according to your 2-year and 5-year business vision.
Lady Lex Interviews
Use The Media To Tell Your Story
Be media awesome